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Short description

ACE3P is a complete package for electrodynamics simulations in accelerator components, including eigenmode (Omega3P), S-parameters (S3P), Time domain wakefields etc. (T3P), Particle in cell injectors etc. (Pic3P), Tracking charged particles in eigenmode fields for multipacting and dark current (Track3P), and multi-physics for detuning due to thermal expansion from wall losses and mechanical forces (Temp3P). The solvers run on the external computer clusters at NERSC


For post-processing, the package uses ParaView

, which can be installed through the package manager on most Linux systems, in addition to the "acdtool" post-processor.

For mesh generation, the package uses Trellis or Cubit - please contact the contact persons for more information. Trellis can be installed on most Linux systems as a .rpm (Fedora, Scientific Linux and other RedHat based systems) or .deb (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.), and can also be installed on most Windows and Mac systems.

Web resources

Technical information

  • Programming Languages used for implementation:

    • C++ (mainly)
  • Parallelization strategy:

    • MPI
  • Operating systems:

    • Solvers: Linux
    • ACDTOOL pre- and post-processing: Linux
    • Paraview: Any modern desktop OS
    • Trellis/CUBIT: Any modern desktop OS
  • Other prerequisites:

    • You need a NERSC account in order to run the solvers.

Other information

Main.KyrreSjobak - 2016-11-25