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Install and configure python

(Prepared by G. Iadarola)


Some operative systems come equipped with a Python installation. Even in this case, it is often convenient to install a user-managed python environment to have full control of the configuration.

In this page we describe two methods:

  1. Setup of a miniforge installation (easier)
  2. Compile and configure python from source code (necessary when thw installation needs to be compiled with a specific compiler, for example to be used with MPI).

None of the two methods requires admin rights.

Install and configure miniforge

Step 1: Download and install the most recent version of Miniforge (from here) Something like:

(Provide the path for the installation, in my case /home/giadarol/Desktop/PyFRIENDS_python3/miniforge3 You will be asked whether you want to make this miniforge the default python installation for your computer (this is your choice :-) )

A miniforge installation is strongly recommended against a miniconda installation as miniforge uses by default the "conda-forge" channel while miniconda uses the "default" channel ( While the "default" channel can require a paid license depending on its usage, the "conda-forge" channel is free for all to use (see

Nevertheless, if you still prefer a Miniconda installation, you can get it from here and do something like:


Step 2: Activate the miniforge installation

source /home/giadarol/Desktop/PyFRIENDS_python3/miniforge3/bin/activate

Step 2a (optional): Install compilers

To install packages that need to compile code (e.g. PyECLOUD, PyHEADTAIL or Xsuite) you need C and/or FORTRAN compilers. If you don't have compilers available on your system you can install them using conda as discussed in this guide.

For example on Linux or MacOS you can install C, C++ and FORTRAN compilers by:

conda install compilers

Step 3: Install useful packages

pip install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas ipython

Your python installation is ready to be used!

Virtual environments

Virtual environments can be useful to try different package versions and for developments. A detailed guide to conda's virtual environments can be found here:

Compile and configure python from source code

Step 1: We move to the folder where we want to place our installation:


Step 2: We download from the python website, compile and install the latest version of python 3:

mkdir python_src
cd python_src
tar xvf Python-3.8.0.tar.xz
cd Python-3.8.0
./configure --prefix=/afs/
make install

Possible issues with ssl: In order to be able to use pip at a later stage, python needs to be compiled with ssl support. Please check that this is the case:

import ssl

In case this gives an exception, please install ssl library and recompile python (in Ubuntu this can be done by sudo apt install libssl-dev). Information on how to get the ssl library without admin rights can be font here.

Possible issue with ctypes and libffi: Check that ctypes is working (will be required for several reasons afterwards):

import ctypes

If you get an error, it is because the ffi library is not installed. You can download and install the library as follows:

cd /afs/
tar -xvf libffi-3.3.tar.gz
cd libffi-3.3/
mkdir /afs/
./configure --prefix=/afs/
make install

The library location needs to be added to our library path:


The python compilation needs some extra information:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/afs/
./configure --prefix=/afs/ LDFLAGS="-L/afs/" CFLAGS="-I/afs/"
The continue as normal:
make install

Possible issues with sqlite3: In order to be able to use jupyter notebooks at a later stage, python needs to be compiled with sqlite3 support. Please check that this is the case:

import sqlite3

In case this gives an exception, please install sqlite library and recompile python (in Ubuntu this can be done by sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev).

Possible issues with tk: In order to be able to use ipython --pylab at a later stage, python needs to be compiled with tk support. Please check that this is the case:

import _tkinter

In case this gives an exception, please install tk library and recompile python (in Ubuntu this can be done by sudo apt install tklib; sudo apt install tk-dev ).

Step 3: We create a virtual environment

cd /afs/
mkdir venvs
cd venvs
/afs/ -m venv py3

Step 4: We activate the virtual environment

source /afs/

If we type:

which python

we get:


Step 4b: In case libffi needed to be compiled, you should add libffi path also in activate script

To do this, edit the activate script:

nano /afs/

Add after the last line:


Step 6: We use pip to install the python modules that we need

 pip install numpy scipy cython ipython matplotlib

Steps 5 and 6 are required only to run parallel simulations using MPI.

Step 5 - Check that MPI is available:

You can use the following commands to check that an MPI installation is available

which mpicc
which mpiexec
In case it is not, please activate an MPI installation (Step 5.a) or install a new MPI installation (Step 5.b).

Step 5.a - Activate MPI:

On certain machines an MPI installation can be activated using module load (it is the case for CERN lxplus and CERN HPC cluster) or mpi_selector (it is the case for the INFN-CNAF cluster)

Step 5.b - Install MPI:

If we do not have an MPI installation we need to get one:

 cd /afs/
 tar jxf openmpi-1.10.2.tar.bz2
 cd openmpi-1.10.2
./configure --prefix=/afs/
 make all install

We set the environment variable for the MPI compiler (pip will use the compiler pointed by your MPICC variable to compile mpi4py):

export MPICC=/afs/

At this point be careful not to have other MPI paths in your environment (for example set in your .bashrc)

Step 6: Install mpi4py

pip install mpi4py

Important: Python jobs using mpi4py must be run with the mpiexec corresponding to the MPI compiler that has been used. In our case:


Of course we can add the folder to our PATH or create a shortcut.

Step 7: Install h5py (if you need it)

If you don't need parallel hdf5 I/O you can just:

pip install h5py

Instead, in case you need parallel hdf5 I/O and you want to compile your own hdf5 library (N.B. this is NOT needed for PyPARIS simulations):

tar jxf hdf5-1.10.5.tar.bz2
cd hdf5-1.10.5/
./configure --prefix=/afs/ --enable-parallel --enable-shared
make install
CC=/usr/bin/mpicc HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_DIR=/afs/ pip install --no-binary=h5py h5py

In case you don't have libhdf5 installed, but you don't need parallel IO (PyPARIS case), you can:

tar jxf hdf5-1.10.5.tar.bz2
cd hdf5-1.10.5/
./configure --prefix=/afs/ --enable-shared
make install
HDF5_DIR=/afs/ pip install --no-binary=h5py h5py

A couple of references that helped with this task:

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