SIRE (Software for IBS and Radiation Effects)
Short description
The SIRE was inspired by MOCAC (MOnte CArlo Code). After specifying the beam distribution and the optics along a lattice, SIRE iteratively computes intrabeam collisions between pairs of macro-particles. If requested it also evaluates the effects of synchrotron radiation damping and quantum excitation. The beam distribution is updated and the rms beam emittances are recomputed, giving finally as output the emittance evolution in time.
Web resources
- Source code: can be downoloaded here
- Documentation: in preparation...
Technical information
Programming Languages used for implementation:
- C
Parallelization strategy:
- None
Operating systems:
- Linux, Windows
Other prerequisites:
- None
Other information
- Developed by: M. Martini, A. Vivoli
- License: CERN Copyright
- Contact persons: F. Antoniou, S. Papadopoulou, Y. Papaphilippou
- Being actively developed and supported: Yes