Short description
RF-Track is a novel tracking code developed for the optimization of low-energy linacs in presence of space-charge effects. RF-Track can transport beams of particles with arbitrary mass and charge even mixed together, solving fully relativistic equations of motion. It implements direct space-charge effects in a physically consistent manner, using parallel algorithms. It can simulate bunched beams as well as continuous beams, and transport through conventional elements as well as through field maps of oscillating electromagnetic fields. RF-Track is written in optimized and parallel C++, and it uses the scripting languages Octave and Python as user interfaces. RF-Track has been tested successfully in several cases: TULIP, a backward-traveling-wave linac for medical applications; 750 MHz CERN's radio-frequency quadrupole; the transfer line for low energy anti-protons of the ELENA ring; the CLIC positron injector, and the AWAKE injector linac.
Web resources
- Source code: not yet published
- Short Presentation: https://indico.cern.ch/event/514848/contributions/2037361/attachments/1250710/1844703/ABP_Information_2016_Mar_31.pdf
Technical information
Programming Languages used for implementation:
- C++, SWIG
Parallelization strategy:
- C++11 threads, multi-core parallelism
Operating systems:
- Linux, MacOS
Other prerequisites:
- GSL, fftw
User interface:
- octave, python