Short description
The PHOTON program performs a Monte-Carlo simulation of photon flux on the vacuum-chamber wall around a storage ring or transport line. The simulation includes synchrotron radiation in dipoles and quadrupoles, the effects of closed orbit distortions, beam size and divergence, etc. The photon energies are determined following the algorithm proposed by Roy. The program requires 4 input files: (1) a look-up table for the SR spectrum, (2) a MAD twiss tape file which describes the beam optics - this can of course include optics imperfections - , (3) a file with magnet apertures, (4) a parameter input file. The latter contains, e.g., the beam emittances, energy, particle type, and various simulation flags.
Web resources
- Home page:
- Source code:
- References:
Technical information
Programming Languages used for implementation:
Parallelization strategy:
- none
Operating systems:
- linux
Other prerequisites:
- needs a MAD output file
Other information
- Developed by: Frank Zimmermann
- License: CERN
- Contact persons: Frank Zimmermann
- Being actively developed and supported: No