Short description
DELPHI (Discrete Expansion over Laguerre Polynomials and HeadtaIl modes) allows to evaluate the transverse beam stability wrt. the machine impedance. It is a semi-analytical Vlasov solver which allows to perform fast scans overs parameters such as chromaticity, bunch intensity, damper gain...
Web resources
- Source code: GitLab
- Code presentation: PDF presentation by N.Mounet
Technical information
Programming Languages used for implementation:
- C++, Python
Operating systems:
- Linux (SLC5, Ubuntu 12.04+)
Other prerequisites:
- Python 2.7
- NumPy, SciPy (installation of Anaconda2 recommended)
Other information
- Developed by: N.Mounet, N.Biancacci, D.Amorim
- License: CERN Copyright
- Contact persons: N.Mounet
- Being actively developed and supported: Yes