BimBim (Beam-Beam and IMpedance)
Short description
Semi-analytical derivation of the coherent modes of oscillation based on the derivation and diagonalisation of the coherent one turn map for multiple bunches of one or two beams including the effect of the lattice (Q, Q' and Q''), the transverse feedback, head-on beam-beam interaction with a crossing angle, long-range beam-beam interactions and the transverse dipolar and quadrupolar impedance.
Web resources
Technical information
Programming Languages used for implementation:
- Python 2.6 or higher
Operating systems:
- tested exclusivey on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 and SLC 5)
Other prerequisites:
- Libraries: numpy, scipy
Other informations
- Developed by : CERN
- License : CERN Copyright
- Contact persons : Xavier Buffat